401 W. Colonial Drive, Suite 9, Orlando, FL 32804 | (407) 925-6759 | counseling@jenifergarrido.com

Questions for Your Insurance Company

Questions for Your Insurance Company

  • Do I have an HMO or PPO Plan? (one that allows me to choose the provider I see?)
  • What is my Deductible? How much has been met? Ask them to explain how your Deductible works.
  • What is my coverage for Outpatient, Out of Network Psychotherapy? Depending on your specific plan, after meeting your deductible, insurance companies will typically reimburse between 50%-90% (ask your representative for the specific amount your policy allows.)
  • Are there any restrictions, do I require authorization or a referral, or is there anything else that may be required to be reimbursed? (Is there a limit in the # of sessions I am allocated per year? Does my therapist need to submit a form or treatment plan? If so, please inquire as to how this may be obtained.
  • ALWAYS get the name of the individual who quoted you benefits & a reference #, if applicable.